
Healers or Dealers?
Richard P. Allison
A #1 Best-selling New Release in Pharmacy!
Do no harm?
There is an innate trust built into us since childhood that our doctor spent years learning and studying how to help people. But what if that trust is broken? Are they all brought to justice for the confidences they’ve betrayed and the countless lives they’ve helped ruin?
In Healers or Dealers?, readers get a front-row seat to the jaw-dropping true accounts written by the retired investigator who experienced them and attempted to hold these doctors accountable. His stories show a direct correlation between doctors’ questionable conduct with illegal administrating, dispensing, and prescribing of opioids and the craze that plagues our nation today. Couple this with the addictions that unwaveringly rival those we see in the worst of America’s inner cities…
and a pharmaceutical opioid epidemic is born.

Painting Life With Words of Encouragement
Tony Amico
In Tony Amico’s debut work, he takes the reader on a poignant and thought-provoking journey with his musings on self-discovery and the meaning of life. Follow along as he delves into his inner-turmoil on the darkest of days, and then pulls you into a place of hope and inspiration as he colors your world with words of encouragement.

President Eisenhowers Close Encounters
Paul Blake Smith
How do past U.S. presidents avoid global panic?
Create a secret agreement with visiting extraterrestrials.
This well-researched, nonfiction book will give you a detailed, logical look at the most exciting presidential saga ever.
Follow along with researcher/author Paul Blake Smith as he pieces together an explosive puzzle, which reveals that President Eisenhower met with friendly aliens, and that other American presidents likely renewed Ike’s secret agreement with the visitors, who remain aloof to this day, to avoid triggering social chaos.
You won’t see the UFO/ET topic the same way after this read.

Nixon-Gleason Alien Encounter
Paul Blake Smith
Under the cover of night, on February 19th, 1973, another U.S. President witnessed extraterrestrials.
President Richard Nixon made a secret trip to a top security U.S. Air Force base, as his former boss, President Dwight Eisenhower, did in 1954. Nixon was said to have taken his golfing buddy, comedian Jackie Gleason. According to Gleason’s then wife, Beverly McKittrick Gleason, Jackie was deeply shaken later that night when he returned home and confessed to their clandestine trip.
As established in Smith’s previous work, President Eisenhower’s Close Encounters, this meeting was reminiscent of and perhaps even predicated by similar visits made by the president’s predecessors, as well as others in the American government and entertainment industry. This in-depth book will attempt to separate fact from fiction. These events were carried off without the public learning the hushed facts and data connecting the two different presidential administrations…
until now.

Practical Tips for Every Author
Steve Soderquist
‘Practical Tips for Every Author’ is chock-full of one hundred hints, tips, tricks, lessons, and many other facets of the writing industry in this all-in-one tutorial book. Covering everything from grammar, punctuation, prose, style, parts of speech, and composition to marketing, formatting, tips on query letter writing, submission guideline help, assistance with the legal in and outs of publishing – to writing the dedication, blurb, acknowledgements—and everything in between! Over three and a half years in the making, Steve Soderquist has stuffed one book full of everything the beginning author needs to get his or her book written, edited, formatted, sent to publishers or self-published, distributed and marketed. An extremely handy guide for the experienced author as well, to brush up on key components for all things book-related. Add this helpful guide to your library today!