Christian Non-Fiction
Christian Non-Fiction

Striving for Unity: A Study on 1 Corinthians
Jenny Fulton
We live in a divided world.
People argue, friendships end, families separate, and churches split. Christendom is as splintered as the secular sphere. These conflicts are not a novel occurrence. What is happening now has happened before. We know it shouldn’t be this way. Almost 2,000 years ago the Apostle Paul wrote his first letter to the Corinthian church for the same issues.
They lived in another time, another place, another culture. And yet, in many ways, they faced the same challenges we are facing today.
Like us, the Corinthians were a diverse group whose differences began to divide them. When word of their quarrels reached Paul, he wrote a letter in which he addressed some of the controversial matters and encouraged them to be unified. Once we understand what Paul was saying to the church, then we can find common principles that apply to our lives and circumstances today.
Striving for Unity: A Study on 1 Corinthians begins each chapter with prayer, guides the reader to examine the context of the Corinthian world, gives an overview of the letter as a whole, then progresses chapter by chapter and verse by verse to help the reader gain a better understanding of how to more effectively handle differences in our day.
“Fulton’s book bridges the gap between the conversational tone of a devotional book and that of a study book. Her purposeful research and questions provoke deeper thought and interaction with the Text and spark insight and fellowship with our spiritual ancestors.” -Dr. Latayne C. Scott,award-winning author and speaker
“Fulton explores the unifying, timeless truths Paul uses to address the Corinthian church, a diverse society embroiled in conflict and bickering. As she herself has a diverse cultural background, her study reads as heartfelt. It is well researched and filled with thought-provoking questions. She guides you to an understanding of Paul’s central message—that Jesus Christ unites believers of all generations. It is my pleasure to recommend this study, Striving for Unity. Fulton’s message is manna for the soul that will equip you to navigate the torrid waters of today’s society.” -Diane Virginia (Cunio), Founder/Director of Song of Solomon Expeditions, author of The Kiss of Peace: A Contemporary Exploration into Song of Solomon
“A very creative and useful unique approach that is a welcomed combination of a traditional commentary and a college class. This book would greatly benefit people whether they study alone or in a group. Readers will be blessed and challenged by the inductive approach and the guidance of the many thoughtful questions.” -Dr John Holmes, Lead Pastor at Grace Life Bible Church
“Having led Bible studies for women from a variety of church backgrounds, I know the importance of making everyone feel welcome. Jenny accomplishes this through her gift of teaching that invites all participants to start from the same place. Then she leads them into a deep understanding of 1st Corinthians using heartfelt and intellectual questions that evoke rich discussion. Each chapter is relevant for today’s Christian.” -Jennifer Henn, The Homeschooler’s Helper and Bible Study Leader